Results for 'Azam Sadat Hoseini Hosein Abad'

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  1.  35
    Divine Revelation and Justification of Belief in God: a Comparative Study of the Views of Paul Moser and Mulla Sadra.Azam Sadat Hoseini Hosein Abad & Zahra Khazaei - 2024 - Sophia 63 (4):659-674.
    The present article analyzes and compares the idea of divine revelation to justify religious beliefs from the viewpoints of Paul Moser and Mulla Sadra. Moser suggests a kind of moral transformation experience that includes direct cognition and internal experience of self-revelation and God’s unselfish love while he considers mere theoretical reason to be inefficient and emphasizes God’s authority and His attributes and goals as well as the axis of divine revelation. Knowledge-by-presence and direct experience of God in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy (...)
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    How to deliver bad news to me? Suggestions for preparing Muslim patients before breaking bad news.Akram Sadat Sadat Hoseini - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (2):53-54.
    There are several models for delivering bad news, the most important and widely used being the SPIKES protocol. Cultural differences in breaking bad news in different societies with different cultures call for special attention. Muslim societies are examples of communities with special cultural and religious requirements. Then, when collecting information about a person's perception of the illness or the incident, consider his or her view of spirituality and the effect of calamities on human transcendence so as to assess the type (...)
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    Considering Spirituality in Its Context: A Commentary on Dr. Sadat Hoseini et al.Salamati P. Naji Z. - 2015 - International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 26 (3):106.
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    Gemino Abad Poems.Gemino Abad - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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  5. Cyan Abad Jugo Short Story.Cyan Abad Jugo - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2).
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    The Ethics of Migration: An Introduction.Adam Hosein - 2019 - Routledge.
    "In The Ethics of Migration: An Introduction Adam Hosein systematically and comprehensively examines the ethical issues surrounding the concept of immigration. The book addresses important questions such as: - Can states claim a right to control their borders and if so to what extent? - Is detention ever a justifiable means of border enforcement? - Which criteria may states use to determine who should be admitted into their territory and how do these criteria interact with existing hierarchies of race (...)
  7. Immigration and freedom of movement.Adam Hosein - 2013 - Ethics and Global Politics 6 (1):25-37.
    In this paper I focus on one very influential argument for open borders, the freedom of movement argument, which says that if we value freedom of movement we must demand open borders. I begin the paper the paper by discussing Joseph Carens’ well known version of the argument. I then consider, and reject, David Miller’s response to that argument. Finally, I develop my own reply to Carens. Both Carens and Miller, I argue, are mistaken about the proper grounds for freedom (...)
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    Literal bodies (somata): A telestich in ovid.Julene Abad Del Vecchio - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):688-692.
    ABSTRACTThis article draws attention to the presence of a previously unnoticed transliterated telestich in the transformation of stones into bodies in the episode of Deucalion and Pyrrha in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Detection of the Greek intext, which befits the episode's amplified bilingual atmosphere, is encouraged by a number of textual cues. The article also suggests a ludic connection to Aratus’ Phaenomena.
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    (1 other version)Immigration: The Argument for Legalization.Adam Omar Hosein - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (4):609-630.
    Many liberal democracies have large populations of “unauthorized” migrants, who entered in contravention of immigration laws. In this paper, I will offer a new argument for allowing long-resident unauthorized migrants to transfer to “legal” status, which would allow them to live and work legally in their country of residence, without fear of deportation. I argue that legalization is required to secure the autonomy of these migrants, and that only by securing their autonomy can the state exercise authority over them legitimately. (...)
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  10. Sportsmanship.Diana Abad - 2010 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 4 (1):27 – 41.
    What is sportsmanship? Following Keating, we may say that sportsmanship is conduct befitting a person involved in sports. This raises the question of what kind of activity exactly sport is. This is notoriously difficult to answer, but roughly speaking, sport is a rule-governed activity that is about excellence, an understanding of how to play the game, and, in competitive sports, winning. Accordingly, there are four elements of sportsmanship: fairness, equity, good form and the will to win. These four elements are (...)
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  11. Doing, Allowing, and the State.Adam Omar Hosein - 2014 - Law and Philosophy 33 (2):235-264.
    The doing/allowing distinction plays an important role in our thinking about a number of legal issues, such as the need for criminal process protections, prohibitions on torture, the permissibility of the death penalty and so on. These are areas where, at least initially, there seem to be distinctions between harms that the state inflicts and harms that it merely allows. In this paper I will argue for the importance of the doing/allowing distinction as applied to state action. Sunstein, Holmes, Vermeule (...)
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    Freedom, Sex Roles, and Anti-Discrimination Law.Adam Hosein - 2015 - Law and Philosophy 34 (5):485-517.
    In this paper I consider the role of freedom in the justification of prohibitions on discrimination. As a case study, I focus mainly on U.S. constitutional and employment law and, in particular, restrictions on sex-stereotyping. I present a new argument that freedom can play at least some important role in justifying these restrictions. Not just any freedom, I claim: the Millian freedom to challenge existing stereotypes and contribute to social change. This ‘social change account’, I argue, can be a useful (...)
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    Responsibility and Self-Defense: Can We Have It All?Adam Hosein - 2017 - Res Publica 23 (3):367-385.
    The role of responsibility in our common-sense morality of self-defense is complex. According to common-sense morality, one can sometimes use substantial, even deadly, force against people who are only minimally responsible for posing a threat to us. The role of responsibility in self-defense is thus limited. However, responsibility is still sometimes relevant. It sometime affects how much force you can use against a threatener: less if they are less responsible and more if they are more responsible. Is there a well-motivated (...)
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  14. Transcending human sociality: eco-cosmological relationships between entities in the ecosphere.Luis Gregorio Abad Espinoza - 2022 - Disparidades. Revista de Antropología 77 (1):1-17.
    Based on a discussion of the theoretical contributions of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Pierre Clastres, this article explores social relationships as more than a human dimension. Though strongly analysed by both anthropologists, these relationships appear to involve indigenous societies’ whole ecological and cosmological system. In this sense, reciprocity, social cohesion, and exchange can be understood as material and immaterial interrelationships between entities of a more than a corporeal world. I argue, then, that to go beyond the mere anthropocentric conceptualisation of sociality (...)
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  15. “Where Are You Really From?” Ethnic and Linguistic Immigrant Selection Policies in Liberal States.Adam Hosein - 2016 - In Win-Chiat Lee & Ann Cudd, Citizenship and Immigration - Borders, Migration and Political Membership in a Global Age. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In this paper, I discuss some of the criteria that liberal states have used to choose between potential immigrants. While overtly racist policies have been widely condemned and abolished, many states have still in the recent past selected immigrants based on their ethnicity and/or language competency. I argue that even apparently more benign examples of ethnic and linguistic selection are unacceptable because they tend to express a morally problematic message that members of certain ethnic groups within the territory—the people who (...)
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  16. Some Reflections on Gettier's Problem.Azam Golam - 2006 - The Dhaka University Studies,June 2006 (1):83-97.
  17. Contractualism, Politics, and Morality.Adam Hosein - 2013 - Acta Analytica 28 (4):495-508.
    Rawls developed a contractualist theory of social justice and Scanlon attempted to extend the Rawlsian framework to develop a theory of rightness, or morality more generally. I argue that there are some good reasons to adopt a contractualist theory of social justice, but that it is a mistake to adopt a contractualist theory of rightness. I begin by illustrating the major shared features of Scanlon and Rawls’ theories. I then show that the justification for these features in Rawls’ theory, the (...)
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  18. Más allá de las operaciones del pensamiento salvaje entre los shuar de la Amazonía ecuatoriana.Luis Gregorio Abad Espinoza - 2022 - In Tania González, Catalina Campo Imbaquingo, José E. Juncosa & Fernando García, Antropologías hechas en Ecuador. El quehacer antropológico-Tomo IV. Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología; editorial Abya-Yala; Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Ecuador). pp. 274-286.
    Al tratar de disolver la neta separación entre una mente racional y la materia inerte abogada por el dualismo Cartesiano, el monismo lucha por reunificar estas distintas realidades ontológicas. Tal como para Claude Lévi-Strauss y Baruch Spinoza, esa dicha unificación no puede prescindir de la trascendencia de la mente humana como locus del pensamiento y conocimiento de la naturaleza externa. A través de una discusión entre las abstracciones de la etnología Amerindia (animismo-perspectivismo), las teorizaciones del estructuralismo y las relaciones que (...)
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  19. Mill's utilitarianism: Exposition and evaluation.Golam Azam - 2005 - Philosophy and Progress 37:137.
    The objective of the paper is to critically explicate the views of JS Mill in his "Utilitarianism" in regards to his efforts to clarify the concept of utilitarianism. In the first part of the paper it examined how successful was Mill in clarifying the idea of utilitarianism. In the second part of the paper, a critical discussion is presented to justify the applicability of his theory in dealing with contemporary moral dilemmas.
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  20. Justification of Galston's Liberal Pluralism.Azam Golam - 2016 - Springerplus. 2016; 5 (1):1219.
    Liberal multicultural theories developed in late twenty-first century aims to ensure the rights of the minorities, social justice and harmony in liberal societies. Will Kymlicka is the leading philosopher in this field. He advocates minority rights, their autonomy and the way minority groups can be accommodated in a liberal society with their distinct cultural identity. Besides him, there are other political theorists on the track and Galston is one of them. He disagrees with Kymlicka on some crucial points, particularly regarding (...)
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  21. Social Harmony, Multiculturalism and Cultural Pluralism.Golam Azam - 2009 - Philosophy and Progress 45 (1-2):67-86.
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  22. Numbers, Fairness and Charity.Adam Hosein - manuscript
    This paper discusses the "numbers problem," the problem of explaining why you should save more people rather than fewer when forced to choose. Existing non-consequentialist approaches to the problem appeal to fairness to explain why. I argue that this is a mistake and that we can give a more satisfying answer by appealing to requirements of charity or beneficence.
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  23. Democracy, Paternalism, and Campaign Finance.Adam Hosein - forthcoming - Public Affairs Quarterly.
  24. Fairness, Distributive Justice and Global Justice.Adam Hosein - manuscript
    In this paper I discuss justice in the distribution of resources, both within states and across different states. On one influential view, it is always unjust for one person to have less than another through no fault of her own. State borders, on this account, have no importance in determining which distributions are just. I show that an alternative approach is needed. I argue that distributions of wealth are only unjust in so far as they issue from unfair treatment. It (...)
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  25. Groundhog Day and the Good Life.Diana Abad - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):149-164.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 One of the most important questions of moral philosophy is what makes a life a good life. A good way of approaching this issue is to watch the film Groundhog Day which can teach us a lot about what a good life consists in - and what not. While currently there are subjective and objective theories contending against each other about what a good life is, namely hedonism and desire satisfaction theories on the (...)
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    Das Glück der Selbstverwirklichung.Jamie Pax Abad - 2014 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 4 (1).
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  27. Die aktuelle Rezeption Carl Schmitts in Argentinien seit Beginn des neuen Jahrhunderts.Sebastian Abad - 2007 - In Rüdiger Voigt, Der Staat des Dezisionismus: Carl Schmitt in der internationalen Debatte. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 167.
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    Editorial Introduction.Manuel Abad & Alejandro Petrovich - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):1-3.
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    Inspice signum: methodological reflection to create an instrument of control of the Spanish typographical brands.Abad Julián Martín - 2014 - Cultura:45-73.
    A referência a um conjunto de reportórios e catálogos publicados desde 1890 onde se reproduzem portadas de obras produzidas na Península Ibérica entre finais do século XV e inícios do XVI é o ponto de partida para, através de quatro dezenas de exemplos, propor uma metodologia para identificação, registo e classificação de marcas de impressores.
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  30. Las clarisas y sus escritos.A. Abad Perez - 1994 - Verdad y Vida 52 (207-08):527-581.
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    On the Use of carcer at Stat. Achil. 1.625.Julene Abad Del Vecchio - 2021 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 165 (2):326-330.
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    Presencia del animal en el hombre.Luis Abad Carretero - 1962 - México,: Herrero Hermanos.
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    Regímenes de movilidad y expropiación del tiempo: la espera como cronopolítica.Begoña Abad Miguélez - 2018 - Arbor 194 (788):453.
    La gestión de la movilidad/circulación de la población es una cuestión de biopolítica que implica la producción jerárquica y desigual de las condiciones de dicha movilidad. En esta distribución desigual no solo se ordenan los espacios sino también los tiempos, ritmo y velocidad, de ahí que se pueda hablar de una cronopolítica asociada a la gestión política de la movilidad. Este aspecto del tema que nos ocupa, pese a su relevancia, no ha sido objeto de un estudio exhaustivo y detallado. (...)
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  34. Ética del juez: de los trasiegos con la verdad a la lucha por los derechos.José Joaquín Pérez-Beneyto Abad - 1996 - Diálogo Filosófico 35:229-234.
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  35. Xavier Zubiri, filósofo en marcha hacia la realidad.José Antonio Merino Abad - 1984 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (4):503-514.
  36. Zariski-type topology for implication algebras.Manuel Abad, Diego Castaño & José Patricio Díaz Varela - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (3):299-309.
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    Zariski‐type topology for implication algebras.Manuel Abad, Diego Castaño & José P. Díaz Varela - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (3):299-309.
    In this work we provide a new topological representation for implication algebras in such a way that its one-point compactification is the topological space given in [1]. Some applications are given thereof.
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    Turkey, secularism and the EU: A view from Damascus.Sadik J. Al-Azam - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):449-457.
    This article deals with the impact of the free, democratic and peaceful accession to power of the Islamic Justice and Development Party (JDP) in Turkey on the Arab world in general and on the Islamic currents active in Arab societies in particular. A main point is looking into how Arab political formations and especially political Islam are trying to make sense out of such recent developments in Turkey as: (1) the fact that traditionally reviled Turkish secularism, Kemalism and westernism could (...)
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  39. Annales médico-pychologiques.Azam Azam - 1886 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 22:110.
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  40. Islam and the liberation of women in the middle east.Kamguian Azam - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (4).
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    Muslim schools, communities and critical race theory – faith schooling in an Islamophobic Britain?Ali Azam - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (3):415-417.
  42. Object personal and reflexive pronouns as centres of attention of base and extended utterances in classical modern literary Russian.Olivier Azam - 2013 - In Hélène Wlodarczyk & André Wlodarczyk, Meta-informative centering of utterances between semantics and pragmatics. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  43. Revue scientifique.Azam Azam - 1876 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 2:216.
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    Securing the future now: futuristics and creativity, ideology, mythology and Eutopia.Ikram Azam - 2007 - Islamabad: The PFI & Margalla Voices.
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    Etika berkomunikasi: Kajian tematik term qaul dalam al-qur’an.Abad Badruzaman - 2014 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 9 (1).
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    Model pembacaan baru konsep makiyyah-madaniyyah.Abad Badruzaman - 2015 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (1).
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    IX Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic: Bahi´ a Blanca, 1992.Manuel Chairman-Abad - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (2):682-695.
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    ""Discussione su" Verso un sapere dell'anima" di Maria Zambrano.José M. Cuesta Abad, Elena Laurenzi & Juan Carlos Marset - 1997 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 10 (3):582-598.
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    Mito, identidad y poestética en Carmen la de Ronda (1959), una idea de Alfonso Sastre.M. ª Teresa García-Abad García - 2011 - Arbor 187 (748):247-258.
    A través del estudio de la película Carmen la de Ronda (Tulio Demicheli, 1959) se plantean las disfunciones promovidas entre la idea de Alfonso Sastre que le sirve de origen y la disolución final de un mito por el que transitar la más abierta paradoja; un complejo recorrido capaz de revelar los desencuentros originados por la interacción entre la producción y la recepción de los artefactos culturales.
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    Presentación. Literatura y cine o “el Cine Soñado”.M. Teresa García-Abad García - 2011 - Arbor 187 (748):205-210.
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